News list for " altlayer"

AltLayer: The EIGEN Token Collection Site is Now Open

According to official news, AltLayer's EIGEN token claim website is now open. Claim period: December 20, 2024 (3 AM GMT) - February 20, 2025 (3 AM GMT).

2024-12-20 03:24:58

据官方消息, AltLayer的EIGEN代币申领网站现已开放。申领期限:2024 年 12 月 20 日(3 AM GMT)- 2025 年 2 月 20 日(3 AM GMT)。

2024-12-20 03:24:58
Eigen Foundation Grants 1 million EIGEN Tokens to AltLayer

According to the official announcement, the Eigen Foundation awarded 1 million EIGEN tokens to AltLayer. AltLayer said that the tokens will be used directly to give back to the community. The first 500,000 EIGEN tokens will be distributed to reALT holders and pledgers starting this week. The remaining 500,000 EIGEN tokens will be distributed when Eigen Layer's V2 reward mechanism goes live on its mainnet in 2025.

2024-12-19 21:59:19

根据官方公告,Eigen基金会向AltLayer发放100万枚EIGEN代币赠款,AltLayer表示将把代币直接用于回馈社区,首批500,000枚EIGEN代币将从本周开始分发给reALT持有者和质押者。剩余的500,000枚EIGEN代币将在2025年Eigen Layer的V2奖励机制在其主网上线时分发。

2024-12-19 21:59:19
AltLayer Launches AVS-as-a-Service Platform Wizard

AltLayer announced the launch of the AVS-as-a-Service Platform Wizard on the X platform, which automates AVS deployment and management, boosts manual deployment by a factor of 10, and provides a resource-efficient, stress-free, and streamlined way to re-pledge by reducing operational and technical management complexity.

2024-09-05 14:02:35

AltLayer 在 X 平台宣布推出 AVS 即服务平台 Wizard,该平台可实现 AVS 部署和管理的自动化,将手动部署提升 10 倍,通过降低运营和技术管理的复杂性,提供了一种资源效率高、无压力且简化的方式来进行再质押。

2024-09-05 14:02:35
About a third of $5 million tokens airdropped by EtherFi, Renzo and AltLayer have been sold

According to Lookonchain, EtherFi, Renzo, and AltLayer previously dropped about $5 million worth of tokens to EigenLabs employees. EtherFi airdropped 10,491 ETHFI to each of 44 addresses for a total of 461,600 ETHFI (peaking at $3.69 million), of which 31.2% was sold. AltLayer airdropped 46,512 ALTs to each of 37 addresses for a total of 1.72 million ALTs (peaking at $1.16 million), of which 32.4% were sold. Renzo airdropped 66,667 REZs to each of 27 addresses for a total of 1.80 million REZs (p...

2024-08-16 08:18:31

据Lookonchain监测,此前EtherFi、Renzo和AltLayer向EigenLabs员工空投了价值约500万美元的代币。 EtherFi向44个地址各空投了10,491个ETHFI,总计461,600个ETHFI(峰值为369万美元),其中31.2%的ETHFI已售出。 AltLayer向37个地址各空投了46,512个ALT,总计172万个ALT(峰值为116万美元),其中32.4%的ALT已售出。 Renzo向27个地址各空投了66,667个REZ,总计180万个REZ(峰值为50万美元),其中33.6%的REZ已售出。...

2024-08-16 08:18:31
AltLayer Launches Stateless Rollup client side design proposal

On August 1st, AltLayer launched a stateless Rollup client side design proposal, which builds a stateless client side using an alternative DA layer instead of Ethereum's Rollup. The stateless client side needs to ensure that the Rollup block has been published on the underlying DA layer. Once the availability of the block is determined, the stateless client side needs to ensure that the state generated by the execution of transactions in the block has also been committed in the Rollup contract.

2024-08-01 12:16:42

8月1日消息,AltLayer 推出无状态 Rollup 客户端设计提案,该设计为使用替代 DA 层而不是以太坊的 Rollup 构建了无状态客户端,无状态客户端需要确保 Rollup 区块已在底层 DA 层上发布,一旦区块的可用性得以确定,无状态客户端需要确保由于该区块中的交易执行而产生的状态也已经在 Rollup 合约中被承诺。

2024-08-01 12:16:42
AltLayer adjusts ALT token vesting schedule: the next unlock is scheduled for January 25, 2025

On July 23rd, AltLayer announced that it has adjusted the ALT token vesting schedule and suspended the vesting plan for 6 months. Therefore, no new tokens will be unlocked for investors, teams, advisors, finance departments, and others for six months (July 26, 2024 to January 24, 2025). The next unlocking will take place on January 25, 2025. Tokens will vest in a monthly linear manner, for investors, for a period of 2 years, and for teams, advisors, finance departments, and others, for a period ...

2024-07-23 13:57:14

7月23日消息,AltLayer 宣布调整 ALT 代币归属时间表,暂停 6 个月的归属计划,因此,六个月内(2024 年 7 月 26 日至 2025 年 1 月 24 日)将不会为投资者、团队、顾问、财务部门和其他人解锁新的代币,下一次解锁将于 2025 年 1 月 25 日进行,代币将以每月线性方式归属,对于投资者而言,为期 2 年,对于团队、顾问、财务部门和其他人员而言,为期 3 年。

2024-07-23 13:57:14
AltLayer: Avail testnet has launched and integrated Arbitra Orbit

On July 4th, Rollup platform AltLayer announced on the X platform that the Avail testnet has launched and integrated Arbitrum Orbit to enable Orbit chains and builders to build on Avail's mathematically verifiable, low-cost DA solutions.

2024-07-04 14:26:54
AltLayer:Avail测试网已推出并集成Arbitrum Orbit

7月4日消息,Rollup平台AltLayer在X平台宣布Avail测试网已推出并集成Arbitrum Orbit,以推动Orbit链和构建者能够在Avail的数学可验证、低成本DA解决方案上进行构建。

2024-07-04 14:26:54
AltLayer: AVS "MACH" now supports Arbitra One mainnet

Rollup platform AltLayer announced on the X platform that its AVS "MACH" now supports the Arbitrum One mainnet, with the aim of extending the restaking Rollup functionality to the Arbitrum ecosystem. MACH is a unique restaking Rollup product that provides Rollup with a fast finality layer, and MACH runs as an AVS on top of EigenLayer's restaking mechanism.

2024-07-02 04:34:08

7x24 Newsflash

13:27 2025-03-18
灰度向 Coinbase Prime转移3753枚ETH,价值712万美元
据Arkham监测,1分钟前灰度向Coinbase Prime转移3753枚ETH,价值712万美元。
13:27 2025-03-18
摩根大通表示,日本央行本周将公布 3 月的利率决议,基本可以确定此次政策利率将维持在 0.50% 不变,会上是否会透露进一步加息的重要条件,这将是决定下次加息时机的关键,值得关注。考虑到最近日本央行官员关于通胀上行风险的信息传播增加,我们认为在下次 5 月的会议上,可能会提出加息的可能性,不过我们的基准情景是 6 月加息。在日本央行维持政...
13:18 2025-03-18
纳斯达克为 21Shares 提交 Polkadot ETF 申请
据官方文件显示,纳斯达克已为21 Shares向美SEC提交Polkadot ETF申请的19b-4表格。
13:15 2025-03-18
斯图加特证券交易所旗下BX Digital获批运营数字资产交易业务
据 CoinDesk 报道,德国斯图加特证券交易所旗下 BX Digital 已获得瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)批准,可运营数字资产交易和结算平台,成为瑞士首家获此类许可的机构。 这家总部位于苏黎世的公司将以分布式账本技术(DLT)运营交易设施,简化代币化金融工具的交易流程。BX Digital 将利用以太坊区块链促进直接资产转移,无需中央证券存管机构等中介参与。
13:15 2025-03-18
美国2月工业产出月率 0.7%,预期0.2%,前值由0.50%修正为0.3%。
美国2月工业产出月率 0.7%,预期0.2%,前值由0.50%修正为0.3%。
13:12 2025-03-18
13:11 2025-03-18
重要新闻1. 美国财长贝森特:4月2日关税视国家而定,部分国家可能较低。2. 纳斯达克拟进军得州,建立第二个美国总部。3. 消息人士说以军打死加沙地带政府领导人。个股新闻1. SK海力士预计将独家供应英伟达(NVDA.O)Blackwell Ultra架构芯片第五代12层HBM3E,预期与三星电子、美光的差距将进一步拉大。2. 安森美半导体(ON.O)宣布推出其第一代基于1200V碳化硅(SiC)金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)的SPM 31智能功率模块(IPM)系列。3. 杜邦(DD.N)宣布其电子与工业事业部总裁Jon Kemp将出任计划从杜邦分拆后、未来独立上市的电子公司的首席执行官及董事会成员。4. AMD(AMD.O)预计2025年底中国ISV合作伙伴达到170家;搭载锐龙AI Max、AI 300处理器新品预计2025年Q1上市。5. 理想汽车(LI.O)公布下一代自动驾驶技术Mind VLA研发进展。6. 虎牙(HUYA.N)2024年总收入60.8亿元,Non-GAAP净利润同比增长125.6%至2.7亿元。7. 小鹏汽车(XPEV.N):2024年第四季度...
13:09 2025-03-18
工作流协议开发商Halliday完成2000万美元A轮融资,a16z crypto领投
据TheBlock报道,工作流协议开发商Halliday完成2000万美元A轮融资,a16zcrypto领投。Avalanche BlizzardFund、Credibly Neutral、AltLayer和其余天使投资人参投。
13:04 2025-03-18
13:03 2025-03-18
13:03 2025-03-18
金色晚报 | 3月18日晚间重要动态一览
12:00-21:00关键词:美国财长、Strategy、Coinbase 股票 1.美国财长:没有理由出现衰退,会对每个国家单独分配关税税率; 2.伯恩斯坦评定 Coinbase 股票目标价为 310 美元; 3.Strategy再次增发500万股优先股,计划用于增持比特币; 4.纳斯达克计划设立第二个美国总Aave社区发起“在 Plasma上部署Aave V3”的ARFC提案部,或于今年晚些时候开业; 5.数据:过去24小时BSC DEX交易量超25亿美元; 6.Aa...
12:59 2025-03-18